Plot Summary:30 years after the events of Heavy Metal 2000 (2000), the heroine Julie lives with her people on a new pastoral planet called Eden that's blessed with life-giving waters which give eternal life to those who drink it regularly. The planet is masked by a satellite signal that's suppose to fool everyone into thinking that the planet is actually a barren wasteland called FAKK2 - Federation-Assigned Ketogenic Killzone. After decades of peace and rebuilding, a new threat appears in the form of a demonic cyber-god called Gith, who lives in his planet-sized starship, controls armies of cyborg slaves and plans to take over Julie's planet for himself. However, that's only his secondary objective and his real plan does not immediately become clear. Meanwhile, the satellite gets destroyed by an asteroid and some of the local dormant hostile creatures like mosquitoes, bear-like creatures and killer plants reappear and attack. Julie senses that these might be the signs of the incoming apocalypse ...