白色猎人Weiβ kreuz ヴァイス クロイツ(1998)

又名:Weiß Kreuz

主演:子安武人 三木真一郎 关智一 优希比吕 

导演:江上洁 / 棚桥一德 / 





Plot Summary:During the day, they're four cute boys who run their flower shop. By night, they instantly turn from innocent to bad as they go out and execute the people who do illegal things. Assassins. The group, Weiss (pronounced Vais) consists of the serious leader, Aya Fujimiya, the soccer lover, Ken Hidaka, the young computer expert, Omi Tsukiyono, and the playboy, Youji Kudou. Their boss, Persia, gives them their missions by tape recording, delivered to them by his secretary, Manx. As the story goes on, they find out the people they're killing have some connection to one of two other assassin groups, Schrient (pronounced SHRAI-ent) and Schwarz (pronouced Sh-VARTS). Along the way, the four's pasts are revealed and it seems that Aya and Omi have more issues with the Takatori family and the other two...
表面沉着冷静但内心充满火热的Aya(子安武人 配音),有一颗赤子之心不为利益所动的Ken(关智一 配音),长相帅气风流倜傥深受女性欢迎的Yohji(三木真一郎 配音),外表可爱聪明过人有着灰暗过去的Omi(结城比吕 配音),这四个个性截然迥异的年轻男子因为某种共同的追求而走到了一起。   白天,他们是花店里温柔善良的打工仔,然而夜幕降临之时,四个血气方刚的青年便以“白色猎人”之名,张开了他们的利爪。白色猎人的猎物只有一种,就是那些犯下了滔天罪行却凭借着权利和金钱而逃脱了法律制裁的坏家伙们。每一个人都有各自的成为“猎人”的理由,但他们守护着的是共同的底线——正义。
