火车出站Ieşirea trenurilor din gară(2020)

又名:The Exit of the Trains



导演:阿德里安·乔弗伦克 / 拉杜·裘德 / 





Plot Summary:This is a documentary essay composed entirely of archive photographs and documents of the first big massacre of the Jews in Romania: in the city of Iasi, on the 29th of June 1941, more than 10.000 Jews were killed - first by bullets, than by asphyxiation in freight trains. The film, which is an attempt to use the montage of archive materials in order to offer a deep and special view of History, has two parts: The first part of the film could be titled "the encyclopaedia of the dead": photographs of the people who were eventually killed by the Romanian army and by civilians are accompanied by voices who recite the documents related to their fate in the massacre: witness accounts, testimonies from the post-war trials, interviews with survivors, private diaries etc. The second part, shorter, represents a montage of the remaining photographs of the actual massacre (taken mostly by the German soldiers who were in town). Why a montage film with photographs and texts related to the Jassy ...
1941年,德国佔领苏联位于东欧的大片领地,一波大屠杀于6月29日罗马尼亚雅西县首府爆发。是日,超过一万名犹太人或遭枪杀、或乘火车遭系统性杀害。事发至今近80年,这群人的形影与声音因时移事往而模糊,什么样的形式才能让证人陈述、审判证词,让受难者的声线被清晰听闻?   哈都.裘德并未选择特定的个人视角、煽动的故事线、甚或惊人的美学,让观众直接找到廉价的同理或轻易的投射;相反地,他仅以极简形式的投放,展示一帧帧肖像、信件、照片与档案,仿若黑盒子裡被陈列与重播的展品,恳请观者瞻仰这系列的遗像与创痛,逐字循句地接收并咀嚼文件与证言,影厅恰似一座纪念馆,为歷史幽灵还魂附体,成为观众无从迴避且必须直视与听闻的实在。
