Plot Summary:Three unrelated horror shorts from 1975 UK horror anthology series "Classics Dark and Dangerous" edited together into one horror film anthology with three segments. Each story features a woman who willingly or unwillingly spreads evil. In "Mrs. Amworth", an enigmatic eccentric elderly lady arrives at a small gloomy Sussex village to live in a mansion that was supposedly once owned by her ancestors. She becomes the life of the town by organizing wonderful parties that the villagers come to enjoy. However, strange vampire-like attacks begin occurring in the village around the same time. In "The Mannikin", Simone, a young singer on the rise, starts having strange back pain. Soon, a bizarre growth forms on her back. Terrified, she finds out that it's not a disease per se, but a satanic curse tied to her late estranged mother and her servant and that a horrible demonic creature called the "mannikin" is being reborn through her back. In "The Island" set during a war, Lt. George Simmonds ...