
又名:惊爆危楼(台) / 白痴 / Durak / The Fool

上映日期:2014-08-09(洛迦诺电影节) / 2014-12-11(俄罗斯)片长:120分钟

主演:阿尔焦姆·贝斯特罗夫 娜塔莉亚·苏尔科娃 尤里·楚里洛 鲍里斯·涅夫佐罗夫 基里尔·波卢欣 亚历山大·科尔舒诺夫 奥尔嘉·萨莫希纳 达里娅·莫罗兹 谢尔盖·阿尔齐巴舍夫 叶莲娜·维克托罗夫娜·帕诺娃 德米特里·库利奇科夫 伊利亚·伊萨耶夫 马克西姆·平斯克尔 柳博夫·鲁坚科 伊琳娜·尼兹纳 戈尔戴·科勃泽夫 彼得·巴兰切耶夫 

导演:尤里·贝科夫 / 编剧:尤里·贝科夫 Yuri Bykov


Plot Summary:The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night. Dima Nikitin is a simple and honest guy, a foreman of a repair team at a provincial housing service. Nothing really makes him stand out among the rest. It's only the unusual combination of honesty and integrity that makes others perceive him as somewhat weird.In the little town there is a notorious dorm, inhabited mainly by drunkards and outcasts. One night the pipes burst at the dorm. After arriving at the scene, Nikitin discovers that things are way more serious - the building will not stand through the night. People need to be evacuated immediately. Fighting the red tape, Nikitin sets off on a night Odyssey around the town authorities.
管道工接到报告说某个住满底层群众的筒子楼水管崩裂,去勘察时发现大楼豆腐渣工程即将在24小时内倒塌,于是通过母亲好友联系到女镇长,女镇长和手下考虑了自身利益,又经扶植女镇长上位的经济操手怂恿,大家决定放弃转移大楼中的820名住客并暗中杀害了两个头头当做替罪羊。   其中被杀的 负责建筑的头临死替管道工求了情,允许他闭嘴带着家人远走他乡,管道工心中良心未死,不听父母及妻子的劝告执意去救人……


mark • 绝望的反抗

完全的剧透,渗入!!! 一个普通的管道工,上着建筑工程的课,和老爸老妈老婆孩子一家五口拮据的生活着,