
又名:老板 / 老大 第一季

主演:天海祐希 竹野内丰 户田惠梨香 沟端淳平 吉濑美智子 温水洋一 光石研 玉山铁二 相岛一之 长谷川博己 小林剑道 

导演:光野道夫 / 编剧:林宏司 KOUZI HAYASHI



Plot Summary:This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "boss" of this division. But despite her intelligence and capabilities, she can never understand a man's heart, so she remains unable to find a husband. In fact, her assignment in the U.S. was really a demotion after she ruined her career track over a man. So why was she chosen as the boss of the new division? Even though the detectives are talented, they all have some kind of issue or flaw, and they are considered to be the "problem children" of the police force. In the end, the division's true purpose is just to isolate these problematic detectives.
受野立信次郎(竹野内丰 饰)之托从国外回来的大泽绘里子(天海佑希 饰)成为警视厅搜查一课的特别犯罪对策组的boss,但编派到她手下的组员却形态各异,来自科学搜查研究所调来的嗜睡如命的木元真实(户田惠梨香 饰),从交通组调来的外冷内热刑警片桐,从派出所调来的活力小子花形一平 ,以及总是偷懒的来自反黑组的严井和人称“丢三落四先生”的山村巡查部长。   这样一班乌合之众放在一起,着实让大泽头痛,搜查一课对她的部门从没寄予厚望,只需要她应对媒体公关。但大泽却不愿成为被人摆布的木偶,面对这样一班下属与不断发生的案件,她将以身作则,让部下发挥个人特长破获案件。在另一面,八年前因为男人而离开警队的大泽,感情方面亦再次面临考验,这一次,她能否改变事业与感情的走向?


梦吟 • BOSS第一回 精彩!

看完来表白 很精彩! 从案情的渐入高潮开始觉得很想继续看下去~人物群像都很可爱 细节处的几处小幽默

小知暄暄 • 片头曲真是拉风又好听!
